"I never had any siblings, and I am very grateful for that..." He said as they walked past the church. Indy saw an eagle land on the signpost of St. Martin's Church, the eagle peered into his soul. It was no ordinary eagle. He knew this eagle. It was his eagle. It was part of his past. It was his protector, his spirit animal. He'd last seen it when he was at the ruins of Stonehenge. The eagle turned it's head and looked to the church then flew towards the back of the church by the graveyard. It screeched at him, as if beckoning him to follow. Jones turned to Jackie to see if she was watching what he saw, but she was completely oblivious to the scene, talking about how church was depressing. He was caught off guard for a moment, but now he was back to reality. "I agree with you there, I find them much more enjoyable empty and without people." He looked around, but the eagle was gone.