As the door was pushed open, Aurora tumbled. This man, who ever he was, had saved her a great deal of trouble. All she had to do was listen in, even though it was a little rough, even through a small adjustment on the roof. She was also unsure of his protocall on finding her. But against both negativities, she recieved information she greatly needed. Spying was never much of her game, but it was needed sometimes. & she really just hated doing all the talking. Aurora stayed placed in a dark corner, hearing whistling. She almost scoffed aloud, standing in the shadow. His whistles got fainter, and she knew now was her time. Ever so quietly, she crept out of her tumble corner and around to the door. Slowly but surely, she gets it open enough to squeeze herself inside. There he sat, some man in a chair, staring at his feet. Aurora stepped close to him, snapping her fingers in front of his eyes. "Just untie me, would ya?" He says, without even looking up at her. "I have a question first,"she says, blatantly. "If you give me what I want, I'll let you go." "What do you want, then?" It seemed he was exhausted, and that was no fun. "Where was that shipment headed?" His mouth opened to answer her, but she put her hand over his mouth. "And if, if you decide to give me the wrong place..." She leans the chair backward, "I can make your head twist into a pretzel. Your brain would burst out if your fucking eyes and ears." Could she actually do something like that? It was unknown to her. Whether it had been done before was beyond her as well. But now was not the time to be questioning her own threats. Just to freak him out and prove her own point, she pulled a little figurine from her jacket. It was a stress ball, no more, but when you squeezed it, the eyes and ears swelled with pink brain mush. A sort of dumb gesture, but he seemed to take it effectively. He opened his mouth to speak, and she let him. "Just a little west of here, but thats-" before he was finished, Aurora was running out there. She knew she told him she would let him go, but she was trying to keep her profile low. "Sorry," she calls back. It was almost useless, but it counted to her. She squeezes herself back at the door, and off she went, headed west into the city.