[quote=TheEvanCat] Arma 3 is realistic until you get trapped by a vengeful god inside of a rock while the AI all pinpoint you and land headshots from a couple hundred meters away. I've spent a couple hundred hours there, I would know.Also: "And I know more than well enough what conflict is like- I am in a MilSim clan, with many former military members"That's not even true at all, dude. I'm a cadet and I play Arma but I can admit that I know full and well that I have no fucking clue what conflict is like other than what other peoples' experiences have been. [/quote] Apologies- that was a rushed post, I take that wholly back. I'll clarify that point- I understand the operational way in which they can work, not the reality. The thing is, nobody wants that, and the banter, does exist even on patrol, sometimes on the quieter points of the frontline. I've never had the misfortune of being shot at or being wounded, and I never want to be- and I genuinely take that point back, though I will have my two cents on how it works from other sources, such as journals, documentaries, and so on. It works as a nice indication however- and playing it with the right set of mods, while it is never real bullets and injuries, is as close as you'll likely want to get (apart from VBS, which is just not a chance). [quote=The Silver Paladin] I could see a nice World War II D-Day thing where you play as a nation on a beach, and have weapons designated to that nation. Or Heck Look up the Winter war! That would be fun. Playing Finnish, and Russians? I could do a modern one with Israeli, Un, NATO and other nation soldiers (Israeli soldiers are awesome.) So long it was realistic. Like the guy who carries an RPK can only be prone, and he can't run. That seems fun. I like faking it for like City, futuristic, but for military I like realism. [/quote] RPKs are SAWs, not LMGs- they are weapons you could fire from standing position if required for close combat, a PKM for example, you could not (you could, but it's inaccurate as fuck). An RPK, with a 45 round mag, you can run with (though I wouldn't recommend it)- it isn't significantly heavier than a AKM, and it's role as a SAW is different to a PKM's as an MMG. And you have brought up a perfect reason for why I don't like using current conflicts (or at least, frozen conflicts that get warm sometimes, like Israel-Palestine) for good reason. It sets itself within parameters that I can't creatively control because it's a real thing- whereas another RP for example, I can pitch in a creative area (eg. the mountains of Armenia in TF Lima's latest setting, as a case study). Even TF Lima, which is probably quite politicized now (I started it in late 2012, this was before Ukraine arose) still maintains itself as quite a sensible RP that doesn't exactly point fingers at one or the others. Though you mention the Winter War, which is cool- but again, it's hard to introduce smaller wars to audiences who would want to have to research the war to understand the scenario (and this is hard, because I know people are lazy/have better things to do (more of the latter), and would rather that the shit that they were getting into was at least quite understandable. I'd love the concept- but again, I know that I don't have enough of a knowledge to write it up to an acceptable level, that I would feel would be authentic enough (or I could draft some Finns, hey). [quote=Enalais] I don't really join military rps were everyone is a bad ass, I want to see a rookie freeze up in his first fire fight, not mow down twenty men and not question his morality about it. [/quote] Up to the player character that. They might just get down, target, pull the trigger, gone. Some find it easier than others, to say the least, others might need some pushing, a situation that throws them right into the fray and it is do or die. Morality is a big thing too, but must be handled correctly- different groups of soldiers view this all very differently. Special Forces groups don't think about it at night, but damn, it might haunt them years on, though others could just let it go. A Soviet Conscript in Stalingrad? He's brainwashed with so much propaganda, he'll do anything to murder the Nazi scum in his leader's city. A US Marine in Afghanistan? Could become demoralized and sick of war, and sick of his work. It's variables, differences. So what I'll say in conclusion is this- it exists, but there is no consensus on how it should work. And that makes me sad- because I could easily, very easily, end up making an RP that could quell all these needs, yet I know that it wouldn't last more than twenty posts (like most Mil RPs), because nobody agrees on shit. This RP shows that while you're all very in favor of realism, and very in favor of a set of pre-determined battlefields, the genre can't exist because a paradox exists with the former. It makes me think about what I write, if I'm honest- and I am beginning to understand in a way, what it means with Military RPs now. I'll still stick to what I write, Because while I know it isn't text Call-of-Duty, sometimes it's just boring and everything dries up- and I've seen this cycle repeat, and repeat again (I've run far too many now). I create stories around groups of soldiers, whether they are Special Forces, of soldiers in the midst of the Second World War- and the fact that it's a warzone, with situations where our characters will inevitably have to kill people, and may risk the chance of getting killed back. I want someone to set one up, other than me though. That I want to put across- I want that message to be taken back, and I mean, as begging as that sounds, I really have got the ideas but no time to write them out. Thanks for the discussion people- if you have anything to add, just throw it down.