The sun seemed to be brighter the next day as Seán was out and about. Then again the inn was a bit dark and it could have played with his eye sight. He looked up to the man who was calling out names and it felt like this man calling out names was far from calling his. [i]I just might be in the seventh or eighth squad.[/i] He looked over the crowd, most of them were small, but muscular. A mix of gender was clear, but it was a tad scary to see some women that were battle hungry more than some of the men. Seán adjusted his sheath, which rested on his left hip, and the shield on his back before looking up. A sword landed on the cloth right where his elbow was. Seán looked down to see a boy who looked to be in his late teens. The young boy laughed, "You wouldn't have an arm anymore!" Seán wagged his finger in response and then clenched his hand into a fist and knocked on his elbow. The metal gloves met with another piece of metal under the cloth. "A heavy never leaves open skin." The boy looked over at the man on the crate and looked back. "Thats my name! Oh boy I can't wait to get out there!" Seán chuckled, he didn't think he would last too long, he seemed too over confident. Seventh and eighth squad passed and Seán knew his guess was no longer correct. “2nd LEGION, 5TH COMPANY, 9TH MARINE SQUAD! Sergeant of this squad will be Fyn Hunter” There was a short pause, it seemed like there was a small disagreement between the newly made sergeant and the crate man. “2nd LEGION, 5TH COMPANY, 9TH MARINE SQUAD! Sergeant of this squad will be Fyn Hunter” Seán paused for a moment, a few seconds went by and his brain finally registered his name was called. He walked up to the crate, his large frame wasn't necessarily a good thing at this point. "Excuse me" and "Pardon me" were the only two phrases he was able to say at that point. When Seán reached the crate, he took a look at his squad. It was looking pretty good for the most part. Seán followed his new leader and squad to the tavern, where it wreaked of piss and rotting carcasses. He set his helm on the table and tried to sit in one of the chairs provided for him, but he was simply too big to fit in the chair, so he stood with helm under his right arm and his left hand rested on the hilt of his sword. Seán made sure to take note of every person that spoke and their role. He didn't want to get off on the wrong foot with anyone, besides, these were people that were to fight along side him, and if he had a shot at being able to move forward without getting stabbed in the back on the battlefield, he would have no choice but to trust these specific people. The last person seemed to enjoy all the beer that was given, so he took his tankard and gave it a push to the foreign man. There was a long moment of awkward silence so Seán took hold of the opportunity. "I'm Seán, Seán Uidhir. I come from the mountains in the northern part of the Jadelyn Empire. My father was lumberjack and hunter and my mother was a simple housewife. We got by pretty easily until my parents were killed by bandits. They spared my life and dropped me off outside of a city where the city guard put me in an orphanage. It was a rough and annoying life, but, I wouldn't say it was as bad as any of yours. Anyways, long story short, I picked up an apprenticeship with a blacksmith that failed quickly when his son was old enough, picked up a nomadic life style for a few years, trained to be a literal intimidation on the battlefield and to be skilled in combat for eight years, and here I am, with you people." Seán didn't have a smile on his face. He simply just stared at everyone. He wanted this to be over so they could get out on adventure and battle. He wasn't planning on making any life long friends here. He quickly grabbed on of the sigil pins and pinned it to the cloth on his right arm.