Why was Faen not surprised that the knuckle-dragging, mono-browed, wannabe raider Audrunar had failed to bring back any firewood yet. Give the simplest of the group the simplest job and he would simply fail. He kept the scorn he felt for cretin from his face though, as it wouldn't do to show the negative thoughts he felt for the man to Alva, especially if he was trying to foster good will with this group. Instead he merely widened his smile and shook his head slightly. "Well, I hope he returns soon, otherwise this rain will put paid to all of our hopes." It was then that Erika returned, carting a large buck. Looked heavy too, so she was obviously stronger than she looked. The Lokison returned to Alva. "We should return to your husband and get the fire started there. I'll go and help Erika with her trophy." Not that he particularly relished the idea of lugging a dead dear through the forest, but strong or not, Erika looked near done in. Besides, he'd never skinned a deer before, and it could prove to be useful knowledge if he could get her to teach him. His thoughts were disturbed by a low bodied growl, a fearsome sound that froze his blood. A bear burst from the undergrowth, and a big one too. Easily 500 pounds, if Faen had to guess, all muscle and grit. [I]And look how mean and angry it looks. Reminds me of father.[/I] A chuckle burst from Faen's mouth then, a bizarre reaction born from his fear, one that he could barely control. The beast charged Erika then, massive paws swiping at the huntress, before turning towards the Lokison and Alva. Faen chuckled again, louder this time, the sound mingling with the roaring of both bear and thunder. God's, why couldn't he control his laughter. [I]Is this the fate you deemed for me All-Father? Cosumed then shat out by an ill-tempered bear, as helpless as that damned fish. Ha-bloody-ha![/I] Wait. The fish! That must have been what attracted the bear, the smell of fish and dear. When it had burst from the undergrowth it had seen the carcasses, and thought to win itself an easy meal. That must be it! Helvi, Ranulf's head huntsman, had once told Faen that bears will rarely willingly attack humans, not if they could help it. Usually only if it was a mother feeling her young were in trouble or one that had poor luck hunting. Other than that it was only the opportunistic ones, those to lazy to hunt for greater game, and those could usually be dissuaded when they discovered how hard it is to kill a man. Yes, that was it, if you were actually attacked by a bear then hit them hard and fast, make them realise you aren't worth the trouble. [I]Look at you, Faen Lokison, actually considering fighting a bear. Like you wouldn't already be running if you didn't know a bear could outrun anyman, even one as adept at retreat as you![/I] The beast was closing now, close enough for Faen to smell his animal stink. He took a half step forward, falling in place in front of Alva, laughter died in him now to be replaced with a grim determination, and smirk frozen on his face like this was all a joke, but he was the only one clever enough to understand it. "You want the fish? Be careful what you wish for!" With that he hurled the trout with all his might, the dead thing flipping head over tail as it spun in the air. The Lokison's aim was true, hitting the bear straight in the nose. While it wasn't an exceptionally large fish it was still heavy enough to give the bear a shock, especially considering were it hit him. He took advantage of the confusion, shoving Alva away while dancing to the side, waving his arms and making as much noise as possible, looking to lead the danger away. It took him a second to realise he was no longer afraid, and was in fact laughing again, a great booming sound full of good humour. [I]What is wrong with me?[/I]