[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/gq61IN0.jpg[/IMG][/center] No sooner than they had set foot inside the clinic that catastrophe strolled on in right after them. The moment the doctor hurried off to fetch his so called nano-tech to "test" on Inadi, Lesley had managed to knock down an entire shelf of glass bottles that contained fluids of what they did not know. Upon declaring his determination to get to the mess cleaned, Lesley mistakenly took one step too far and ended up slipping and landing smack dab in the center of the liquid puddle. It was apparent that the cacophonous ruckus caught the attention of all the employees who urgently rushed to the scene; Doc was already back holding his healing device. He shouted orders to get the pink haired man cleaned up as well as called in a bot to mop up the mess. Jasper had to admit that the little guy was rather adorable. When Lesley returned, his hair had been transformed into a dark, jet black with hints of his original hair color peeking through. Despite the transformation, he still looked gorgeous in her eyes yet the man didn't seem to approve of the change and ended up sobbing on her shoulder. Patting his back, she was eyeing Inadi who was struggling to suppress laughter and in his attempts, a scarlet hue was beginning to take over the shading of his cheeks. Alas, his humor morphed instantaneously into slight worry as Doc proceeded to prepare him for the injection. Jasper was cringing slightly, but tried to stay strong for Inadi who was also trying to stay positive. Soon enough, the needle was in and his leg was restored to its former functions. Returning his high-five, they thanked Doc and continued on their way to the Paintball Field. ~~~~~~~~ As they entered the arena, in which the match was going to take place, Jasper couldn't help but feel like they were walking into "Hunger Games". The giant dome, the greenery, the landscape. Harper was right, it did look intense. A soldier greeted them immediately and brought them to the equipment room. Paintball guns of all sizes were displayed on racks and on the tables. Biting her lip, she was about to ask to suit up first, but Leila had already gotten her hands on one of the larger guns and shot accidentally, the poor girl being sent down to the ground like a rag doll. Breeze lent Leila a hand and suggested they put on some protective gear first and Jasper let out a sigh of relief. After getting all her "armor" on, two new faces entered the equipment room. The soldier in red suggested that they split 50/50 with some humans on Est and Breeze's side and he (Aiden) took his picks on Lesley, Leila, and Harper. Latching onto Inadi, he was suggesting that they do humans versus guides, but she shook her head profusely. "I don't think that's fair game and I'd bet we'd definitely be needing tons of that nano stuff after a match against them," she replied worriedly. "Since they're (Lesley, Leila, Harper) already with Aiden and Lizbeth, I think it's a good idea we team up with Est and Breeze." The soldiers, having been trained not to waste time, were already in the metallic hallway which branched into multiple passages around the stadium to allow teams to begin in separate sections. Est and Breeze led them farther down the corridor opposite of the other team and eventually turned into on of the inner passages which had an alloy door clasped shut at the end with the label "Bay 04" written across it. [hider=Bay 04][img]http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/-q4Nyegyiik/0.jpg[/img][/hider] The four of them lined up with Est and Breeze at the front, her and Inadi close behind them. Est had reached over and pushed a button on the side of the wall that read "Ready" after everyone on the crew double checked their equipment and suits. A woman's voice spoke out saying, "Blue Team. Ready." More than likely, the other team was at a different bay still preparing to press the button, but also hearing the same announcement. Jasper's heart was racing as she clutched her paintball gun across her chest. It was a medium size and the most lightweight one she could find. Just in case, she also strapped a pistol to her hip. Breath fogging up the clear of helmet every time she exhaled oxygen, she almost had a heart attack and the same female voice said, "Red Team. Ready. The match will begin in... 5." The albino's ears were ringing with anxiety. "4... 3... 2." Beads of sweat were rolling down her brow and her blinking went rapid. "...1." The metal door parted at the center with an exhale, exposing the forest like terrain. Upon cautiously making their way onto the battle field, the entrance locked shut behind them and Jasper's heart dropped down to her stomach and a wave of nausea hit. The opposing team could literally be anywhere and she was panicking in anticipation of crossing paths with one. The transparent part of her helmet had befogged and she clicked a button beneath the jaw section which sent a gust of cool air inside that decondensed her view. Turning to her allies she aimed a question at Est and Breeze, "What's the game plan?"