[b]Scenario 1 - Planting the flag[/b] --- Delilah remained silent as she expended the last of her ammunition, turning to focus her attention fully in one direction as the Orc approached with his small group. Despite being out of ammunitions, she still kept the pistols in hand. Now that she wasn't turning her head side-to-side in order to actually see both direction she could actually fight rather than just defend. And so the half-masked girl stepped away from the small group that had banded together out of the combat as she swiveled her body into her strange fighting stance; it resembled that of a pugilistic boxer, but was adapted to the use of her [i]Eiderhalter[/i]. With this bit of elbow room she planted her feet and waited for the nearest of the 'walkers' to approach, before twisting her body into a rather savage punch-- it lacked any semblance of grace and was in all actuality a rather savage assault. The pistols she bore were refined bludgeoning tools, and the hand-guards made excellent pugilistic weapons. The steel wrapped around her knuckles crushed into the forehead of an approaching 'walker', resulting in a rather nauseating moment of fist-in-skull...Delilah wasn't fond of that. She shifted her stance back, removing her gore-soaked fist as the corpse fell to the ground. She stepped back, a half-step, and avoided the grabbing embrace of another shambling corpse as she lashed out with her other arm, this time keeping the pistol extended out fully-- the metal tool replicating Delilah's earlier punch, but less gore-on-hand. Now, that blind-side of hers is rather drastic... And she didn't quite catch the shambling little guy coming from her left until its hands grabbed at her waist. She turned her gaze downward at the undying child as her left arm brought the grip of her pistol smashing down on the top of its head...ew, that's just more gore on her hands... The girl was quite vicious with her assault, and the cloak she wore would defend against any scratches and the like that happened to land on her.