Name: Kokuro Kagerou Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [IMG][/IMG] Personality: An energetic and hot-headed girl. Seems to be shameless but she has her own insecurities, mostly minor, but also dislikes the notion of having to sacrifice herself or others as well as feeling weak and useless. She doesn't like to be saved but neither does she want to just give her life for others. She's the type who'd always try to find a third option, one that doesn't require her to lose anything or anyone, even if she has to hurt an unrelated third party to do so. Could be called selfish, but to her the only people she cares about is herself and her friends. Everyone else doesn't really matter. Ability: Kokuro was the top of her class in both Gymnastics and Track-and-Field. She aspires to be a ninja had has been taking some self-defense classes, but mostly she's been learning how to throw knives, rocks, and other objects with deadly efficiency. Very skilled at improvising and can be deceptively deadly with a stick. Bio: Kokuro wished that she had been born to a fairly normal family, but that was just an illusions. Things were already bad since when kokuro was born, her father had long since left her mother. Kokuro's mother was only 17 when she had Kokuro, and she wasn't prepared to take care of her daughter. So she was sent to live with her grandmother, who took care of Kokuro the best she could considering that she was a retired widower. Things were okay back than; Kokuro never really had as many luxuries as other children, but she was allowed to go outside and play, and that was enough for her. Kokuro was always fascinated with [i]shinobi[/i] and [i]ninjas[/i] and in her childish fantasies aspired to become one. She would be very careful hiding and moving around silently, did dangerous things like jumping from tall heights, and sometimes got into fights with other children in the name of "Justice". It was all just childish innocence however. It didn't last long. When Kokuro was about eight years old, her birth mother wanted Kokuro back. Said that she wanted to see her daughter. Kokuro's grandmother had her doubts; her daughter (That is, Kokuro's mother) was still very much a young irresponsible girl in an adults body. She worried that Kokuro's mother was still too interested in living out her young life than to settle down to be a mother. But Kokuro's grandmother relented, and soon the little girl was sent back to her mother. And that's when things started to go downhill. Just as Kokuro's grandmother feared, Kokuro's own mother was not truly prepared to take care of her daughter. She was still living the life of a bachelorette, hanging out with her friends and spending her money on nightly outings. Kokuro was a good girl though. She still went to school, did her best not to cause any trouble, and generally tried not to make things harder for her mother. But her mother wasn't making things easy. Her lifestyle affected their ability to pay rent, and one day Kokuro's mother was fired from her job due to be hungover from her nightly outing from before. One thing led to another, and eventually Kokuro and her mother became homeless. They had to beg for money and shelter, and often they would break into empty or abandoned buildings just to scavenge for food or a roof for the night. It wasn't long before Kokuro was found by child services and sent to an orphanage due to her mother's incompetence. Since than Kokuro had been more or less living from adoption house to adoption house. They never kept her for long; the longest she's ever stayed was for two years, and that was the first time she was taken in. She at least stated within her city, which allowed her to continue attending the same school, but her "Families" would change at a moments notice. Some were nice, others only took her in for the checks, while a few she ran away from due to how they treated her. She was with one such family that day she found herself in the maze. The family she was adopted by had a rich doctor, with a trophy wife and five children. But Retsu was nothing more than another addition to their waitstaff, didn't even get her own room in the house and had to make space for herself in one of their many storage rooms. Tired of being treated as a glorified slave Retsu had escaped during the night. The last thing she remembered before finding herself in the maze was a long fall, like she had just ran off a cliff. There was no lights that she could see however, just a black abyss....