"No, nothing wrong, just lost in thought... Yes, I'd love that. You can give me the rest of the tour when you are finished with your classes. I have another class to teach anyways. Thanks, Jackie," he smiled as her pulled the brim of his fedora down and headed back to his classroom. Indy walked back to Stroud Hall and entered room 113 to find someone fiddling at his desk. It was none other than Marcus Brody, assistant curator at the National Museum, and an old family friend. Marcus had been like a father to him since he began his career as a professor in Archaeology and supported his every move, even giving him tips and financial help along the way. Also he has connections with the right people, Marcus had put in a good word for Indy on more than one occasion. To include his temporary position on staff at Marshall College. Brody has a big influence on this campus. "Good to see you, Indy!" "Marcus!" he grinned as he shook his friend's hand, but Indy could tell something was bothering the old man as his smile vanished. "What's wrong, Marcus? There is something going on here, and I want to know what it is." "Indy, please, will you keep your voice down, for good Heaven's sake! The walls have ears in this place you know." He lowered his voice as he made sure the door was shut and the windows closed. "What have you dragged me into this time Marcus?" "Look, Indy there is a lot going on you don't know about, and much of it I don't even know what to make of it, but you have to understand there is something very wrong going on among the faculty at Marshall College and it has to do with some [i]great evil[/i] in Sleepy Hollow." "Slow down, Marcus, what [i]great evil[/i] are you talking about?" "Well, you see it was the night before Doctor Corbin was murdered he told me that he was investigating something in his studies that dated back to the late seventeenth century during the American Revolution concerning a great evil and battle for the end of days, he rambled on about someone here on campus wanting him dead and forcing him to discover the whereabouts of an artifact here on campus. He said not to tell a soul, but he had discovered the location of item but feared it falling in the wrong hands so he hid his research and vowed to keep it safe from an enemy he was surrounded by. He told me not to trust anyone, that's why I sent for you. I took him seriously when I found out he was dead, so I sent word for you and arranged you to take over for him..." he said as he wiped sweat from his brow with a pocket handkerchief. Indy could tell Marcus was really worked up about it, so he let him continue to say his peace. "Indy, they decapitated him. Whoever killed Corbin, walked into his office late at night and beheaded him, when they couldn't get what they wanted." "Marcus, maybe there is a clue to what they were after in Corbin's office. I need you to take me there." "Indy are you bloody out of your mind, they are watching you. You are going to have to be subtle about it." Indy smiled, "Marcus, sometimes I wonder if you have no imagination, besides you forget I was a secret agent during the Great War and good at it too, I've escaped German strongholds scarier than this campus..." "Indy, just promise me you'll be careful." "I always am, Marcus."