As he made his way into the outskirts of Port Adams, Vincent paused and began to rummage through his pockets for something. Alli sat on his haunches and waited patiently as he always did, swishing his tail idly as his partner came away with what he'd been looking for: A small bundle of keys. Vincent jingled the keys in front of Alli, who only yawned in response, "Spoil sport. I liked you better when you were an infant." Vincent said playfully before receiving a light cuff on the thigh for his troubles. The dup crept into a nearby parking lot, whereupon entry, Vincent used his electronic key to unlock a fairly inconspicuous green jeep wrangler. Alli jumped into the back and lied down to make himself comfortable as Vincent slid into the driver's seat, then removed his weapons, mask, and hood, placing them on the floor of the passenger seat side. "Alright partner, assuming that bald bastard didn't like to us, we're heading to Von Gruenwald tower. Should be plenty of places for us to climb and get the drop on Zsasz. I can taste that seventy-two grand now.", he stated with a small chuckle as he started the jeep. Alli stretched out a bit in the back and purred contently at the vibrations of the vehicle as it began to move.