Joining the circle was a fairly tall, buxom white haired girl, who tied her hair into a braided pony tail to prevent it from getting in the way of physical activity.. Her red-green heterochromia eyes scanned each of the gods and goddesses gathered, where she hadded their face to her memory. She would later, and hopefully soon, add a name to these faces. She wore only her skin-tight black body suit, with appropriate tennis shoes, for this class. One notable accessory on her was her left gauntlet. Unlike her right hand which was bare, she kept her left gauntlet on. That was because unlike the rest of her body, her left arm was entirely robotic. It's function was that it would allow her to quickly equip her combat regalia should she need it, as well as operate any technological and mechanical interface. Her right hand was to greet other gods and mortals, while her left was for machines and robots. She took a seat on the floor hugging her knees to her chest. Her stoic expression hid her feeling of eagerness to meet the other gods and goddesses. She wanted to learna nd gather information so that she too could become a godly entity.