Jackie looked back and forth as she was scared out of her mind. She went to her next class. This class was something to do with health, she was going to become a doctor and an archeologist. She wante to do both and it would be easy for her to do both, but the thing was, all throughout class, she couldn't focus on her class work, she couldn't focus on the notes. She was too afraid. Jackie looked down at her hands the entire time, thinking about her book. She missed her mentor. She was always able to talk to him, but now she wasn't so sure. Who could she talk to? She couldn't talk to Indy, he could turn again her. Before class was over she would grab her bag and run out. Her heart was beating so fast, painfully fast. "What do I do." She whispered, running into her dorm and throwing her bag onto the bed. She locked the door, closed the blinds and the curtains. He had made himself perfectly clear about this bible. Jackie removed a box from her closet and she put the book in it and put the box somewhere no one would find it. Thank god for hiding places. She took a few deep breaths as she was having an anxiety attack, but she calmed down after a while. Jackie would go and shower and come out in her pajamas a few moments later. They were all black so she could sneak around in the dark. Jackie grabbed a notepad and a pen and grabbed her key to her dorm, locking the door tightly and she went away from the room. She was going to go to her mentor's office and see what she could understand. Jackie walked away from her room down the side walk. She looked around, keeping an eye out for Indy, Katherine or any of her enemies.