[quote=twelveobin] Name: VicAge: 30Gender: womanAppearance: 5'7", heavy with muscle and some fat, head shaved to about a half-inch of hair. Typically wears t-shirts with jeans or overalls.Personality: Vic is tough, stubborn, and loyal. She is less intelligent with words or numbers, but has good spatial sense and likes to build things, or take mechanical things apart and put them back together after learning how they work. She is surprisingly good at delicate tasks dealing with small components, not only brute force.She is very caring, and can be overly trusting of anyone who seems vulnerable or in need of help. To be honest, it also makes her feel important and valuable to help people. Ability: Brute strength, spatial/ mechanical intelligence, dexterity for some tasksBio: Vic, whose full first name is Victoria, was raised in a working-class American family with conservative values. From a young age she fought to get her mom to buy her boy clothes, and on several occasions the gave herself terrible haircuts to force her parents to let her get it cut short. All this was highly discouraged. However, her dad appreciated her interest in cars and all things mechanical, and saw it as the foundation of a reliable income for her later in life. He taught her how to work on his car, and got her old phones and stereos to take apart.When she was 17, Vic was caught in a supply closet at school with her girlfriend. Both girls were rejected by their families, and they moved to a new town and got a cheap, run-down apartment together. They had not been together long before that, and had gotten together largely because they were the only remotely out lesbians in their school, but being teenagers and having so much against them, they convinced themselves that they were madly in love. The myth fell apart after a few months, and for years they lived together out of economic need, fighting and cheating on each other and making each other and themselves miserable. Vic worked as a mechanic at Greyhound buses, and her girlfriend worked as an office administrator, and they scraped by.Eventually Vic's girlfriend left, without warning, with an older and more affluent woman, leaving Vic to pay the rent and bills alone. Vic turned the living room into a makeshift bedroom and sublet it to a young guy from her work who needed a place, and for the past few years they've lived quietly as roommates. [/quote] Very interesting. I have a few challenges in mind already for her. Accepted