[quote=kingkonrad] Ah, Heretic/Fortunes, was going to actually say- I did like that RP, quite a bit actually. I'd be happy as anything if you did one again. And trust me, I'd be more than happy to answer to any of your questions on kit, or just environment research- it was working quite well I recall, just I think a few kinks hadn't been creased out. You are exactly on the money with your response- head above water syndrome is hard, and I experience it with some of my military RPs, the only response being to just have a vague plan in your mind, change it when needed, and kinda direct yourself to an End Goal. Lima is coming closer and closer to it, and at the start of the RP, it is the last thing you think of- but over time, once you have four or so people that stay, you can really get into your own and craft a plot. [/quote] Aye - I remember you being at least a hundred times more knowledgable on the subject than me when Zulu was running. And I think that's a component for a successful military RP, too: having an expert around, especially when you're going for realism. As for that RP specifically, I'd love to restart it at some point in the future, but not now. I simply have too much on my plate.