I like military RPs, but I'm not in the military, and therefore I get easily gobbled up by people who are. OR, I get gobbled up by people who aren't but love to read all about it. I think what makes them unattractive is, they are a very niche market. From what I've seen here, they require players who know their stuff. Not anyone can just pick it up and run with it - no - it has to be a war nerd or someone who's in/was in the military. Seriously, I've seen how these RPs look; I've tried my hand at them too, and you get easily intimidated by the players who spam facts, figures and army lingo at you. I found myself having to google half of some peoples' posts just to so's my reply didn't look incompetent. My two cents? You want a military RP? Then you'll have to make it user-friendly. Which would be amazingly difficult, because it would mean you'd need to strong arm the nerds/vets/current enlisted into making more sense to the average RPer. On the other hand, you'd need to make sure the average joe knows how a gun works and has a vague understanding of what goes down in military ops. A nightmare balancing act. Yeah, no, it's a nightmare. Something I think I (or anyone, really, cus I aint special!) could pull off, but it would take a gigantic amount of effort into producing something that would appeal to both sides of the table.