I do the following: Ask them to remove their post until I can accept them IF w'ere open and if that doesn't work see the below Ask them to leave and delete any posts that may have been disruptive Ask a mod for assistance --- I'm here to roleplay if they want to know proper conduct they should look at the various guides we have on our site in any corner of the section. And besides that my roleplays aren't meant for newer roleplayers. The main thing I look for is experience and secondly is how they can use that experience. If they're capable of doing as well or better than the others in the rp than I may consider it. If that is the either send me a pm first, post in the a pre-made thread made for recruitment, or take it somewhere else. I don't want anyone in a roleplay of mine if they can't do something as simple as opening a private message, write it up, send it to me, and wait to reply before doing anything in a already active thread.