One of the redguard knights was starting to say "How dare you interupt official business of our knight order without being asked?" But he was interrupted by Caoldi. The monk seemed trustworthy and certainly the opinion of religious, a daedric exorcist and by the looks a experienced one at that wasn't out of place, looking at the circumstances. With that said, Caoldi looked at the girl and prompted her to speak, who did so among sobs and tears. [b]"I... I made this with some friends. We do not have money for pendants, jewels and necklaces, so we make our own out of strings. I'm telling the truth sir. [/b] Suspicious, Caoldi though. As far as she knew she had never heard of such craftmanship tradition, not to me tion the probability of hidden symbolism. But she would listen to what the monk had to say