As Vincent pulled into the parking lot of the Von Gruenwald tower, he couldn't help but marvel a bit at the size of the thing. The tower was large and immaculate, clearly the result of a master architect's design, and countless weeks of labor. The bounty hunter's marveling was soon cut short by a sickly groan in the back of his jeep as Alli slowly rose on his paws, "Oh, sorry about that Alli. I wanted to make good time.". The reason for Alli's discomfort -and the subsequent apology from Vincent- was due to the fact that Vincent had made it a point of speeding and swerving through traffic whenever an area seemed free of police officers. With the area seemingly clear save for a few parked vehicles that likely belonged to people under Carmine Falcone's payroll Vincent put on his mask and strapped his holstered swords onto his back once more before hopping out and releasing Alli, who vigorously shook to rid himself of the sickly feeling. Vincent grinned beneath his mask as he looked down to his partner, "How should we go about this one? Enter from the back or knock out the power?, he inquired. Alli blinked and began to paw at the trunk of the jeep, eliciting a shrug from Vincent, "Knock out the power it is.". A quick press of a button opened the jeep's trunk to reveal a plethora of gadgets, some, rather mundane in appearance, and others clearly alien in origin. Vincent reached in and pulled out three circular devices, each the size of a CD but with the thickness of a hockey puck, and clipped them to his belt before shutting the trunk. With a gleam in his eye, Vincent cracked his neck and rolled his shoulders, "Let's go get paid.", he muttered before making for the entrance of the Von Gruenwald tower.