[hider=My not-so-OP character (Eagle of Rome)] [b]Villain name: Aquila Romanus[/b] (Eagle of Rome). --- [b]Real Name:[/b] Carrus Varrin. --- [b]Appearance:[/b] Varrin is about 6 feet and 11 inches tall with a lean and muscular built. He has a shim, sharp chin, strong cheeks, green eyes, copper-brow, curly hair and an olive tan complexion. There is also his distinct white wings that are 6 feet wide when at full spread. He wears a complete set of the ancient Roman Legion's gear which is a replica as his original one had deteriorated thousands of years ago. When not in battle however, Varrin sports his toga and tunic that he would have worn back in ancient Rome. --- [b]Powers and/or abilities:[/b] [b]Flight:[/b] Varrin can sore through the skies thanks to the wings on his back. The wings he possess can generate incredible amounts of life, able to carry him and his full set of armor. The years of training he took has also allowed him to master flight and make maneuvers that are graceful and useful when evading enemies. [b]Heightened Senses:[/b] Along with his wings, Varrin was called "the Eagle of Rome" because of his heightened senses. He can see objects, hear noises and smell scents from miles away. He can even see the smallest of details from an object if he looks at them up close. However, the draw back of this can lead him to become confused and dazed when too much stimulus enters his sensory organs. The noise of a busy street can easily knock out Varrin. [b]Talons:[/b] Varrin has the ability to pull out and retract sharp claws protruding from his nails like a cat. The "talons" are always razor sharp and all are three inches long. [b]Eternal Youth:[/b] Varrin has gained the gift of eternal youth and seems to never age. However, this does not mean he is immortal and he can still be killed through any conventional means. --- [b]Bio:[/b] During the days before the battle for Carthage in 149 B.C., the Roman General Manius Manilius began building up an army to take Carthage as hostage. One of the men who came forward to join his army had the others staring with curiosity and fright. The man who would identify himself as Carrus had white wings out his back and claws that he could pull in and out at will. Manillius and the other Romans had thought of him as a minion of Mars, the war god himself, and that he was a gift sent to the rightful Romans. Carrus himself would not give out much about his life for the fact that he could not. He remembers little about his childhood and the affairs of his old days. He's adopted family claims to have found him wondering on their farm. Carrus proved instrumental in the defeat of the Carthaginians after the Scipio Aemilianus took over the army. Carrus pointed out weak spots on the Carthaginian wall and rallied the men to where to enemy was. When he returned back to Rome, he was hailed a hero of the Republic. Throughout the history of the Empire, Carrus would always be instrumental in the victories of the Empire. During the campaigns of Pyrrhus, Carrus was essential in repelling back the Greek invaders. During the subjugation of the Hellenistic states, Carrus flew atop the armies and led them to the enemy's weak spots. During the Roman expansion further east to the Asia minor, Carrus scouted ahead of the other Romans. However, it was under the command of Julius Caesar would Carrus rise to his legendary status. Carrus found himself in the Legio X Equestris when Caesar was sent to deal with the northern tribes. At the Battle of Alesia, Carrus fought valiantly and held his rank as the enemy Gauls poured over him. He slashed and hacked his way through them. He came out of the battle covered in the blood of the Gaul. It was then that he was truly revered as the son of Mars. When the senate ordered Caesar to disband his army and face the trial of the senate, it was Carrus who addressed the senate that Caesar would be coming back with his legion to defy their order. When Caesar was appointed a Dictator, he gave a massive amount of land to Carrus after Carrus retired from the legion. During the assassination of Caesar, the following civil wars and the time of [i]Pax Romana[/i], Carrus stayed away from the eyes of the public and carried on with his life in his private villa. Even when he retreated from the public eye, the rest of the Romans still treated him as a Demi God. Minor temples were erected in his name. Great tales were told of him and a minor feast day was held in his honor. During the 9th b.c., three legions of the Roman Empire were ambushed in the Teutoburg forest and utterly obliterated. After this the Roman Emperor's nephew Germanicus was sent to defeat Arminius, the traitorous dog who organized the ambush and bring vengeance back to Rome. Germanicus had sent for one of his servants to contact Carrus in hopes of him joining his campaign. After several days of coaxing, Carrus agreed to once again join the legions and destroy the enemies of Rome. When Germanicus had received word of Arminius's whereabouts, he sent Carrus to assassinate the leader of the united Germanic tribes. When Carrus was arrived at the position, he found Arminius with his men waiting for him. As Carrus butchered tribesman after tribesman, Arminius and he's guards threw a net over him and then knocked him out with rocks. They then placed him inside of a cave and sealed the entrance with gigantic boulders. When Carrus awakened, he found himself trapped without any escape. For the next thousands of years, Carrus spent his days in torment trying to keep himself sane as he thought of ways to get out. In 1968 however, a West German archeological team were doing excavations on the area when they came upon the cave. After several days of digging through the boulders that blocked the path inside, they found a trail of animal skeletal remains and scrapings on the wall. As the delve into the cave, they found move and more evidence of the inhabitant living there. As they got to the very edge of the cave, they found the debased winged warrior trying to dig to the other side with his bare hands. In his maddened state, Carrus looked at the researchers and fell upon them. He slaughtered them all before any could get out. The other workers outside of the cave heard their screams and escaped. They contacted the authorities who quickly arrived to the scene. All they found were the dead scientist. Carrus then spent his time in the outskirts of Rome. He spent his days there trying to figure out what had happened in his capicitated state. That was when members of a cult dedicated to him approached him and offered to explain the events that had happened. They sheltered him, taught him the different languages of the modern world and explained to him the historical events that followed after his fall. Carrus was enraged to hear that it was the work of barbarian hordes that brought the fall of Rome. He was even more furious to hear that those barbarians took the name of Rome itself for some sort of holy empire. He then led the cult exact revenge on the barbarian fiends led to the demise of his home. He turned the cult into a terrorist organization, causing havok for east and west Germany. In 1982, he's cult was found by NATO forces and the members were either killed, arrested or scattered. Carrus was able to escape but was never heard from again after that. --- [b]Reasons:[/b] To rebuild glorious Rome in all her former might and majesty and subject the ingrates and degenerates under her rightful rule. --- [b]Nemesis:[/b] Deutsch Eisen - During the final days of Nazi Germany, the Nazi party desperately tried to hold on to power as the allies tightened their grip on the ailing country of Germany. The Nazi party authorized different military experiments to provide them with their "[i]wunder waffen[/i]". They sorely needed a wondrous weapon that could turn the tide of war for them. From those researches came the infamous vengeance weapons, the incredible machinery and equipment of the German army and inventions far beyond of their time. But there is one experiment that has been kept a secret from the public from this day. In one of the underground laboratories in Berlin, a group of high ranking scientist in the field of WIP [/hider]