Villain name: E. Longshot Real Name: Michelle Kine [hider=Appearance][hider2=Cloaked][img=][/hider2] [hider2=Uncloaked][img=][/hider2] [hider=Powers and/or abilities]-Elemental enchantment: she is capable of "enchanting" items to increase their usefulness. Ex: stereotypical flaming sword, seemingly ordinary brick that covers a limb in ice if you get too close, bullet that can cause a sudden change in air pressure after a period of time, etc. Can only be used with the 4 elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air. -Enhanced speed, strength, and stamina: Self-explanatory. -Lockpicking and pickpocketing: Also self-explanatory. -Guns: uses a Dragunov sniper rifle and Glock pistol proficiently. -Soldier tactics: she has been trained as a soldier.[/hider] Bio: Michelle was a "test tube baby", created out of the best genes a scientist could find and designed to be the "perfect human". High speed, strength, endurance, and even having superhuman powers, not many scientists could disagree that she was "perfect". Michelle was then trained to be a soldier, perfecting her gifts even further. She learned to assemble and disassemble guns, etc. Being the only life she knew, she followed all her orders, and had no sympathy for whomever she killed, whether it be a corrupt politician or a baby. Over the years, however, she questioned her existence. It seemed like her only purpose in life was to be shown off as an achievement for the scientist who created her and to kill off those that he didn't like. The more she thought about it, the more she felt... wrong. A dark feeling continued to grow inside her, and it was left unchecked until it was too late. It turned out that there was a fault in her genes and she eventually turned on her creator, killing him and began her own life in the world. She no longer cared about anything but her job. Reasons: Her faulty genetics removed all traces of empathy and sympathy from her. She wouldn't bat an eye if a crying child was murdered before her eyes. Nemesis: None.