Garret marched on for what seemed like hours, hours and hours traversing this vast, endless plain. Every now and again he'd glance up to see if his companion was still in sight, and she always was, flying ahead of him in one constant direction. And so he marched, on naught but the promise of civilization the shadow the Roc cast upon the ground gave. Eventually a streak of crimson caught his eye as he was walking, apparently some form dancing amongst the grass. "Hello? Who are you? Can you tell me how far it is to the nearest town?" He called out his questions, hoping for an answer. The figure seemed to take notice of him, but instead of answering questions it ran some more, almost playfully. As if it expected him to chase it. Being the only native living thing Garret had seen since he arrived, he couldn't help but start to chase after it. And so he broke into a surprisingly fast sprint, nearly overtaking the figure before it bolted again. And thus the game began. Garret would get almost within arms reach until it danced just out of his grasp, time and time again. Eventually he could sort of make out the figure, a lithe figure garbed in dress or robe, though he couldn't really tell. After awhile of chasing, of pouncing, of dancing, the Knight grew weary and stopped calling out in a ragged voice. "Alright, you win. Clearly I cannot catch you. Please, reveal yourself to me so that I might know the name of they who have bested me."