[i] [b] [u] Jack [/u] [/b] [/i] Jack sighed reaching up his hand to run it through his hair. His hand touched bone and once again he sighed. Looking around at the crowd around him he saw Thain. His head instantly cocked to the side as he studied Thain's new features. At least he wasn't going to be the only strange looking one here. Though now it seemed like Thain was going to win Erin's sympathy vote. Jack was going to have to try harder in order to win her over, that was if she could even bother to look at him anymore. He was, as his hand had just reminded him, a skeleton, ironically due to Erin's father. Jack stood in the middle of the group as Erin thought out loud. [i]“There could be a number of Gods or Goddesses that could have sent us here to the bottom of this death game; but you can forget my father and my disgustingly sweet step-mother…”[/i] His head dipped slightly at the word of Erin's father. Jack would definitely not have been surprised if Hades had decided to play his joke one step farther and throw him into this arena of death. Looking back up at Erin, Jack saw a flash inspiration cross her eyes. [i]“Of course. Ate… She has a grudge against dear uncle Zeusy… Not to mention her mother is Eris so she’s picked up on playing games and messing with people… I should have picked up on that sooner… I must be rusty with my mythology…”[/i] Listening to Erin announcement on their current situation Jack couldn't help but step in. "So wait let me get this straight. A goddess," he nodded towards Erin, "Ate you said, is messing with us just for the sake of messing with us. And they expect us to what... Fight to the death?" He let out a chuckle almost nervously at the though. "I mean if they want us to do something, shouldn't they give, um... a little clue as to what?" Looking over he watched as Arianna got up and took out a bottle of alcohol. [i] “All we can do is fight to stay alive. Time to party.”[/i] "Oh thank the gods, you mind Arianna?" Without waiting for a reply he reached over to take a needed drink. "I've had a hell of a night." Tilting his head back so he could pour the drink into his throat, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation of the liquid flowing into his mouth. The sound of liquid rushing caused him to open his eyes and look down. The alcohol had flown right out of his mouth and dripped out his throat and threw his ribs. Sighing once more his head drooped in defeat. "This day literally could not get any worse." Handing the flask back to Arianna he said, "Thanks for... well just thanks. I promise I'll pay you back later, if -" He stopped himself thinking, [i] if I ever get the chance. [/i]