[b] The Den [/b] Cersei gasped in pain and dropped both Joe and the security guard to the ground as she reeled from the blow, screaming. The guard got his wits together and drew his sidearm before triple-tapping her in the torso. She wore body armor but the rounds knocked her to the ground and she gasped for breath. The guard took out a suppressor neck band and slapped it on her before cuffing her. Meanwhile, MC and Ocean Warrior wreaked havoc on the henchmen who were either knocked back by Ocean Warrior's blows or turned into disturbing forms by MC while being assaulted by tentacles. The guards managed to take down a few more henchmen and the formerly stone man suddenly crumbled into a pile of clay as bullets tore through him. Within moments they were all suppressed. The guards hustled Cersei and the captured henchmen along with the muddy sections of the clay man into one of the VTOLs as they prepared to take off. Inside the building, Stalker took another bullet on the side of her calf. She grunted in pain and was about to throw another knife when the flashbang went off and she was blinded for several moments. Morningstar's next move took her down and she slumped to the floor. Pariah tossed a smoke grenade down the hall and fired both pistols while shouting, "Take her or leave her, we're going! Move!" He backpedaled steadily while firing to give the team cover to escape. Whether or not Morningstar took Stalker they piled into the VTOLs and lifted off and when they were safely away Pariah nodded at Morningstar, "Do it." Moments later, the top floors of the Den exploded in a fireball, sending debris raining down on the sidewalk. The ceiling crumbled and the building collapsed in itself as Legion's house of control and terror was destroyed. Pariah said, "Nice work. Let's go home. It's the beginning of the end for Legion." [b] The Hall [/b] The orderly next to Volt said, "It went about as well as it could have. The feds and our boys managed to lock it down. The Guard and the DSA suffered minimal casualties and we managed to save most of the prison staff. A lot of inmates were killed in the riot, around half. A lot more wounded. We managed to stop most of them from escaping but a dozen of the max security guys escaped, with a few other no-names elsewhere, we captured two Legion villains and their henchmen but the rest got away too. The worst part is that Polaris managed to fight off our team and he bugged out. You're free to go, you're fine. Do whatever you want, we'll be called again soon enough." The orderly sighed, "We lost some of our own. Maybe a half-dozen guys. Bluegrass when it all started, and the rest were newbies including that Whisper girl. It's a damn shame. Bluegrass was a good guy. Right before this they ambushed a team and abducted Furious with Marconi's family soon after. They're getting bolder. And I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better." A few moments later the VTOLs arrived at the Hall and security teams escorted the prisoners to the holding cells while the EMTs rushed the captives to the medical bay. The conduit was out into a special observation room, and she was still unconscious. Pariah kept his mask on and spoke to Morningstar, "I could use someone to work with Vigilance interrogating all of our prisoners in the holding cell, there's around a dozen Legionaries. We have good actionable intel but we need more. Take any volunteers you think would be useful, that zombie of Thomas' might help. And when you're finished, we're altering our plans for the Marconi investigation. I want you in there with Sixgun not watching from a screen. You know the standard OP and I want someone else in there incase the cowboy gets in over his head." Villa, Ghost, Locust, Shrieker, Styx, Permafrost, the sadist from the Prison, Cersei, and perhaps Stalker were all in lock-up. Now it was time to choose who to question and how. With that Pariah strode off to take care of other matters. Zenith later arrived at the Hall and found Abaddon waiting in a special conference room with a few other League members close at hand. Zenith looked weary as he walked in and drew out a chair before sitting. He stared at Abaddon, "I want to talk about what happened today. I saw you out there. A lot of people did. And I have to say your conduct in the field is not the kind of message we want to send to the public. We're here to help keep the peace not terrorize people. It's one thing to kill in combat but quite another to pursue it so sadistically. I want you to explain yourself." [b] The Estate [/b] Fontana soon strode in and nodded at Ross before taking a seat and preparing his own breakfast of cereal and milk. While crunching down he said, "You guys want to get to know each other a bit better. And get ready for action. We're having a meet with all the other big bosses we've been sending out for. Music and the boss want to form a strategy. Or so they tell me. All I know is that you're gonna want to be ready for things to get loud. Getting a lot of these guys in the same room is a lot like penning up rabid dogs. There will be blood. And it's our job to make sure Marconi and Music come out on top of it. We leave within a few hours."