Shakuntala nodded, but still worried about her missing class. She had tried hard to find it, but then...distraction. She followed after Daniel, and as he held the door open, and when she went passed, she said, "Someone's following us" She was probably a bit paranoid, but given recent events, she thought that she had reason to be. What had attacked that girl? She had a horrible feeling that it might not be...completely human. She knew there would be people strong enough to carry a girl as dead weight, but....where had they gone after reaching that window....not down, as there was no sign of someone landing on the ground, and she was sure that there would be. A splat. Or something... Had anyone thought of up? Climbing up? How hard would that be, with a injured girl? For surely the girl hadn't climbed up herself, injured as she was. It made her uneasy thinking about it, and then having someone following them, even if it was completely innocent, was enough to set her on edge. She quickly found them a table, not standing around to see if there was any reaction from Daniel, purely because she didn't want their follower to suspect anything. She settled down, looking around at the others, and managing to smile.