"The dimension hopper. I had the TARDIS key and I would go through different worlds and realities trying to find you. And I did. Several of you actually as I went through different worlds. Each time I heard your name The Doctor, I would immediately run that way where you were only it wasn't [I]you[/I]. But I figured it had to be cause no one else has such a rediculous fashion sense. I mean, really? A celery stick? Question mark jackets that look like a bag of skittles melted on it? A twenty foot scarf? Opera cape? Yeah had to be you. Then I did actually meet another you by accident as I literally appeared right in front of you. Course I had to make something up and get out of there quick cause I didn't want to mess with time lines. Learned tha' lesson the hard way." Rose answered his question honestly. Ianto smiles at Jack softly caressing the other man's face. "Of course I will." He promised making sure that his immortal was comfortable as he noticed a seat placed by the bed and sat in it thanking the ship again for her help.