School was beginning for the day and everyone was getting settled in. A girl in a red top with dark hair, a skinnier boy wearing black with pink trim and highlights in his hair, among others had already found their places. Just as the bell rang for class a girl with a mostly yellow volleyball shirt rushed into her seat last second. Some of the students talked among themselves. A boy in a school wrestling shirt, funny enough in black and yellow [GO Wildcats!], came in as well with his veins pumping and his chest seeminly puffed out. Dude was just that buff. "Natural Science is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of ecology and natural resources at the local and state level..." began the teacher, turning to his class, "Many of you are still getting relocated to other classes. If this is your first day, since I see some new faces, I am Mr. St. John." he continued. "This class also addresses environmental issues relevant to the state and makes connections to the effects on the global community. In this class you will all learn about ecology, local plant and animal identification, hunting, natural resources, land use issues, and human impacts both positive and negative on the environment. Expect to spend some time outside, and we'll go on field trips probably once every two weeks or so...." Mr. St. John said running his hand down his red tie while flipping through a text book. [b]Across town....[/b] "You start Saturday at 11 am," an older man with a mustache and oil stained shirt said shaking Alexander's hand, "I think you'll fit in good here..." Alexander walked out of the open door of the garage with a grin. He found a job in record time and walked back over to his motorcycle. He took his jacket off revealing his green sleeveless shirt and a large snake-like dragon tattoo on his left arm and shoulder. As he rode towards the park where a young boy in blue played with a power coin, several Putty Monsters began taking shape and moving towards the park. The garage owner, who's shirt had a name tag that said "Bill," walked into the back where two other employees laid dead. The man who was once Bill, and his only employee, a young man with a red undershirt, who's name tag read "Steve." "It's done, my queen." said the man disguised as Bill before shifting into the pudgy Squat, "I await your further orders...." ~KL~