More characters being completed everyday, everyone! The wait is nearly over! ^-^ After all my current characters are finished, I'ma throw you into the maze, and any future characters will either not have an entrance or be warped in later. ----------- Off in a field of winding trees and roaming beasts, the sky changing colors quickly and unnaturally as if being decorated, the arcane himself waltzed without rhythm with no one to lead, singing a song in no particular tune without any concern of its musicality as things changed around in him to form the world he pictured in his mind. [i]♫"It's almost time, it's almost time, it's almost time to plaaaay, Arriving here, arriving in fear, what will they saaay? "We have to get out of here, there's got to be a way!" But never fear, Gallie's here, to imprison you and save the day.♫" Siggghhhh. Boredom no more, children. [/i] -------------- RPing crazy people is the best.