[quote=Magic Magnum]I never argued it wasn't normal, that kind of was my argument actually.I'm just concerned about the wellbeing/healthiness of the kinds of minds that actually enjoy such abusive relationships just cause the guy looks cute and can be nice sometimes. >.<[/quote] Okay... Let me reiterate this one more time. [b]It's a fucking fantasy[/b]. [url=http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fantasy]Fantasy[/url]. There's nothing else to it. There's utterly nothing wrong with it. Whatsoever. At all. That has been my point this whole time. I don't know how you're [b][u]still[/u][/b] missing that when I've blatantly told you that it's normal, it's widely prolific, it's something quite literally [b]everyone on the planet[/b] does. Including you. From sadists to masochists to everything in-between, we all have our fantasies, light and dark, romantic and twisted, and we have dozens, if not hundreds of them. [b]Each[/b]. That grow and change over time as our tastes grow and change and our mentalities change. It's healthy to explore your fantasies in a purely fictional and imaginative way. It's a way to explore yourself and understand who you are, which allows you to better adapt to new situations and even start relationships with other people. Simply put Gwazi: Stop judging women for what the fuck they enjoy. That's actually incredible sexist. Just let women enjoy whatever the hell fantasy they want to, even if it's lolipop gumdrops and dark chocolate making out over cloud number nine. Because it's a fantasy. A FANTASY! IT'S A COOKBOOK! A COOKBOOOOK! Sheesh. :lol