"Ruby, start walking, don't say a word, don't do anything just walk away."He pushed her away towards an open street. "Leave River Rat Barbie. Anit a one of us got get hurt. But you if want we can have it till the cops and feds come running and you little handlers. He already had a battle plan ready. He could stand and fight, and more than likely win this without too much trouble. It didn't matter how powerful she was, he had been in a great many more fights than she has. The age alone told him that, he had no idea how she grew up but he remember how he did. Size and power and smarts were on his side, power was a toss up but he knew he was stronger and more powerful than most. The biggest thing he had going for him was the amount of exposed skin she had. Skin and heat never did all that well together. Shame to see that all the pretty go down the drain for something so pointless but it was going to happen if this went forward. If it goes forward he was going to burn her badly, and ruin that little pretty little and burn off that blonde hair.