-Alex- Alex watched Mithias with barely concealed suspicion as he lay out the details regarding the blast at Kingsley Manor. "A human bomber..." he muttered under his breath. "I don't believe it," Alex breathed, distrustful of the Mithias's story, his incredulity increasing as Mithias outright admitted that he was a vampire. The first thought that ran through Alex’s head was to attack, to kill him when he still had a chance, but something about the vampire’s demeanor made him hesitate. Perhaps it was the fact that Mithias didn’t seem like he wanted any harm to come to Alex, though vampires were tricky creatures. He still couldn’t ascertain that it hadn’t been Mithias who had staged the attack on Kingsley Manor, but for the moment, Alex was willing to listen to what he had to say. Alex gazed in shock as Mithias procured a small framed portrait of Margaret from the depths of his cloak and gently tossed it to him. Alex caught it reflexively, not sure how to react. Everything from the hunters dictated that he should be attacking the vampire, but this one didn't seem particularly....vamp[iric. It made no sense at all to him, and he exhaled in frustration. Looking down at the framed likeness of Margaret, he felt the years of bitterness from standing in his older sister's shadow rise up like bile in his throat. Alex knew that if he ever wanted to be accepted, he should kill this vampire right here and now, no matter what Mithias said or what he seemed like. After all, weren't vampires always full of charming lies and deceit hidden by smooth words? [i]"I have no reason to lie to you," [/i] Mithias said. How did Alex know for sure that he wasn't lying about THAT? With his mind made up, Alex whipped out his stake and lunged forward, aiming for Mithias's general chest area. A slight tinge of guilt tickled at his brain, but he shut it out, focusing on the one thing he was made to do-slaying vampires. -Greta- Greta tilted her head to the side curiously as she looked on to a vampire with a rather large build and a young hunter conversing like they were old friends. She was hidden behind a clump of evergreens, the trees retaining their greenery long after the others had shed their leaves. Greta was also well off the path, though not so much that she didn't have a clear view of anyone walking up and down the small dirt road. From her vantage point, she could clearly see the two figures despite her limited eyesight. She listened in shock as the vampire-Mithias was his name-told the hunter, whom she found out was Alex Moriaty, what had happened the night before at Kingsley Manor. She couldn't believe it. A human bomber? What might a human have against the Kingsleys? Surely he or she didn't know that they were a group of hunters. No, they couldn't have. It was...why it was simply impossible! Greta pushed away her disbelief for the time being, deciding to dwell on it later. She averted her attention to the almost cordial exchange between the hunter and the vampire. The vampire threw something in an underhand toss to Alex-she couldn't discern what it was exactly, but the sunlight glinting off of it blinded her momentarily. Shaking her head and rubbing her eyes, she watched as the hunter contemplated his next move. What he did was a bit unexpected due to the fact the whole thing had looked so, so [i]polite[/i] from afar, but it was not too terribly surprising. Greta watched keenly, ready to come at the vampire's aid if the need arose.