-Terra- He looked away as he spoke now," You don't have to lie to me, I know you're afraid of me. Why else would you run away like that? Why would you go back to him? And I know you think you can just take the pain, but I can't put you through anymore pain, especially not by my hand. I'd rather die than hurt you, but I can't stay or leave without hurting you and I can't die. At least if I leave, you might forget about me or move on. If I'm here, you'll get hurt. I want to stay, but what if it's not you I hurt? What if it's our child? Or what if I hurt both of you? What if I treat you and her like your master did? I don't want that to happen. Not now, not ever. I know you don't either. So tell me, what do you what me to do?" -Armony- "I'm not as experienced as you think," she told him," I can just talk more openly. That doesn't mean I have any more experience than you. Besides, I like you for being you, not for how experienced you are." -Ange- As Yuu walked towards the door, she knew she probably wouldn't get a chance to talk if he left. She tried to go up to him, but another girl got to him first and she didn't stop him a second time once he continued for the door again. She wondered if she should follow him out, but thought she'd probably end up making him angry if she did that. She instead stayed in the room asking herself if he was going to come back. She looked to the door and decided to take the risk, leaving the party. She didn't see him in the hallway outside and knew she must have missed her opportunity to speak with him. She would probably have another, but she would have preferred to talk with him sooner. -Kai- He started to walk around the halls now, his mind raced with different thoughts again, more about Yuu than anything else. These thoughts were starting to drive him crazy, but he wasn't about to confront Yuu about them. He didn't even really know what to think of them himself. Was he starting to fall in love with Yuu? As soon as the thought came to him, he tried to shake it away, but it was starting to make sense of his jumbled thoughts. He'd never really felt like this towards anyone else and the fact that just the thought of Yuu drove him mad, maybe he was falling in love. He tried to think of another explanation, like maybe it was a side effect of their bond, but that didn't make sense. If it was, Yuu would be effected too, but there was no way that was the case since it didn't seem Yuu was effected. Still, he'd never fallen in love with anyone before, so why now? Why him? There was almost no chance of Yuu loving him back. His fist connected with a wall nearby now, anger starting to take over. He was starting to hate himself for even thinking about it. Why did he have to fall in love with the one person who would probably never want to be with him? His emotions were a mess and it just made the anger grow. Maybe he'd just get over it eventually, they'd go back to friends. Was he just supposed to deal with these feelings until then? He didn't want to think about it anymore and he stopped where he was, sitting down with his back against the wall. He wasn't even completely sure where he was now since he hadn't been paying attention to where he'd been going, his thoughts distracting him. He wondered if he could find his way back to the party, Yuu was probably wondering where he was. He sighed and just sat there, not really wanting to go back as he thought about Yuu again. He wasn't sure he could face Yuu after figuring out what exactly it was about him that was making him crazy. Instead, he stayed there, knowing Yuu would find him if he was really that worried anyway.