-Aimi- The beauty known as Aimi shifted uncomfortably, her skin covered in beads of sweat as her emotions intensified tenfold, threatening to once more spill over. However the young hellhound wasn’t as much angry, as terrified of having the love of her life leave her, to leave her alone with a new father or possibly master and a child. A child she wasn’t sure she wanted, not yet anyways. “You underestimate me Terra, I’m terrified of a lot of things. Such as loosing you, starting a new life without anyone, starting a new life away from Master and with a new father or even having a child but I am not afraid of you. You forget that I’ve been raised in hell, so I can assure you. Whatever you throw at me, I’ve been through it before. But may I just remind you that you stated yourself during our blood contract that you wished to see me at least once a month? You expect me to raise a child on my own, trying to forget you while I have to look at our child every day? Or even face you once a month? Even if I was alright with that I can never deal with losing you. If I lose you I don’t have a reason to stay here….” Aimi hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. Either way surely he’d leave, right? “I ran because I’m afraid of living a life in the unknown. I’ve been taken care of my entire life. He has fed me, pleased me as well as tormented me. I feel as if I’ve been tossed into the unknown as familiarity is ripped away from me. Could you possibly understand what that’s like? And now you wish to leave me with all this responsibility? If you wish to leave, if you don’t care for me I won’t give you a hard time but if you do this to protect me then I’ll hate you for it. By leaving you are creating more problems, please stay… Please…. We have a child on the way, don’t you care?” -Yuji- “Experience or not you don’t seem to have a hard time with it, you can openly share your views on the matter which is far more than I can do. I’ve barely dared to…. To… you know… kiss women unlike Yuu whom skillfully uses every trick in the book to land a different chick each night. Supposedly he says he doesn’t try, that it comes naturally so I guess Yuu was blessed with all the mojo, or I might have come out wrong. Either way I’ll have to learn… Umm…. Maybe you can… you know…. show me or better yet… teach me?” Had the immortal creature been capable of blushing a pink flush would be coloring his rosy cheeks, instead and thankfully they were as pale as ever. -Yuu- The youngsters chaotic mind seem to only worsen by each ticking minute, his hormones driving the two of them mad as the teen seem to question his intentions and for a split second Yuu questioned whether or not he ought to reveal his presence to the boy: however thought better of it. Telling the male that the raging hormones which had been intensified ten folds usually calmed down with time, or that questioning reality and its content was perfectly normal was exactly what the pureblood had intended to do, thought this was something he’d be better of learning himself. Who was he to judge, he had a series of questionable deeds throughout his time and only through failing could the youngster learn. “You really should come back to the party, try to enjoy yourself or better yet… See if your brother’s having fun. You might be pleasantly surprised to get your mind of whatever you seem intently on solving. I’ve been running from my own misery for decades now, take it from someone who’ve experienced it the hard way: you can’t escape and eventually it catches up to you so just relax and enjoy. Take some time to get to know yourself… You’ve changed remember? Your body, your hormones as well as your emotions. Learn to live life before making decisions. ” Having stepped out of the shadows, surprising the youngster a smirk playfully crossed the purebloods flawless features, his fangs barely visible as he gazed intently at the figure before him, as if he was a piece of meat. “You’re giving me a headache, and quite frankly I was hoping to find someone to occupy my attention tonight so why don’t you join me at the party? Find a girl, have some fun… Be a teen for a change… Though I strongly advice you not to go past second base cause I don’t think you can control your urges to that extent…. You my friend are in for a ride when it comes to that department…. It’s a rush beyond belief.”