Jason wasn't entirely sure what to do, Cypress seemed to have it under control for the most part. Even the new meta who seemed to be a pyromancer or something similar wasn't doing much. Jason wasn't the most help in a straight up fight, he was better suited for what Aperture hired him to do, talk to people, and make them talk when they didn't feel like cooperating. However things got more interesting when all the electric things in the area started to go haywire, he got himself next to Cypress in case the technopath was trying something. Though from the look of her she was more totally out of it and losing control of herself. The fire guy then lit one of his arms on fire as a threat he supposed, picking up the technopath, Ruby, with the other. "You know, I'd say we won't let you leave but I have a more pressing question for you," Jason said to the guy, sounding very calm for what was going on around them. "Seeing as your arm is currently on fire, I'm guessing you've never felt the pain of burning. At least, not as you would if you could feel that." Once again he gestured to his arm, "would you like to know what it feels like? It's actually quite an interesting experience." Jason didn't give him time to answer, having been looking him in the eye this whole time he had established his connection and sent an incredible pain to his arm, as if it were on fire and his powers didn't keep him from feeling it. "Hand over the girl or things will get far worse for you my friend." Jason was glad he hadn't been doing anything, if he was just causing pain to this one Meta he could probably keep it up for a while. He started pushing her away, he was trying to make a grand stand to distract them while Ruby escaped. "Cypress, I can handle him if you would like to go after our thief there."