Fir merely shrugged at the question, before making a sour face as she tasted soot in her mouth. “Well, it’s more of I didn’t apply to Torchwood than I was rejected from it,” she explained. “Going the Beacon route is a change of pace, something different, more open. I’d feel like a Firelight super-senior in Torchwood, it’s the same people and the same social expectations. There are some disadvantages, sure, but they’re a tradeoff I can accept.” She glanced again at the wrecked side of the bar, where the crowd was already beginning to disperse. The bartender was picking up all the pennies that Lupus had thrown at him in ‘compensation’ for the destruction of the bar, which seemed to elevate her blood pressure somewhat. She agreed with Ash’s assessment nonetheless; her own comment was just an offhand one. “The culture clash is real, though.” At the end of the subsequent PA announcement she stood up, smiling slightly at the administration’s incredibly understated, but passive-aggressive admonishment of the bar bomber’s actions. “Hey, if they don’t have any, I’m sure it’s not beyond us to make our own.”