Mithias reacted swiftly by dodging to the side and parrying Alex with his hand in an Aikido-like fashion. He was not at all surprised by the attack, nor was he offended or disappointed. It simply was that it was. His cloak had fallen back, letting Alex get a clear view of him. Putting a few steps of distance between them, Mithias tried more words. "You can't catch me, Alex. You haven't slept, and I'm not fighting you. Like it or not, I'm getting away today." The human seemed to realize he was right. "If you want to come stake me, you'll have to find me first. I don't live far from here, and for blood's sake, disable me before you try to drive anything through my heart. Not to do so is simply suicidal." Mithias stopped, ready to run again at a moment's notice. Suddenly, it struck him how serious he sounded as he chided the young man. He was like a damned teacher. He nearly laughed at such an image of himself, but managed to tone it down to a slight smile outwardly. Regaining his straight face, he began walking away, backwards, slowly. "I'll see what I can discover tomorrow night. I can't very well talk to people in broad daylight with my affliction. until then, why don't you inquire a Miss Evelyn De Winter? Keep her out of trouble for me." Mithias turned his back and threw his cloak about his shoulders again.