Race Name: Svalbard Racial Appearance: Polar bears with thumbs, fake mustaches, and Victorian-era fashion sense. Racial Traits: Very physically imposing, and while sentient and considered somewhat intelligent, Svalbards are not quite as intelligent as much other races and have a sense of pride and dignity that is baffling given the society they established wouldn't look out of place in the slums. They can eat just about anything, be it alive or dead, and have solid immune systems. Keen senses have carried over from their pre-intelligence era, and as such it takes much to slip a Svalbard's attention, although distractions are common if it smells good enough. Given their physiology, Svalbards aren't particularly dexterous creatures and many items are simply incapable of being used by them. The few that actually use weapons as opposed to their massive jaws and paws tend to use two-handed weapons of ridiculous weight and size. On the plus side, if you need to do home renovations and need to remove that wall, give a Svalbard a hammer and a steak and watch as you saved yourself hundreds of gold coins. Society: Giving truth to the fact that if you throw thumbs onto anything, they will become world famous scholars, architects, and opera singers, Svalbards had evolved from normal bears who were rather fed up with not being able to pick things up so using the fury and determination that only a species of animal who have no idea what trees look like and don't know what warmth is could muster and developed a pair of thumbs several hundred thousand years ago. Now you will never find a thumb-wrestling tournament that doesn't have a Svalbard on top of the leader board. Forming one of the most foremost societies of the Northern hemisphere, Svalbards are not particularly ingenious people and their great works of art and architecture simply would not be accepted in most contemporary society. Building collapses are common, and tools are often little more than slightly shaped slabs of raw material. Their "great" cities are seldom more than shantytowns in most cultures, and if you value your life, never let a Svalbard doctor or dentist operate on you. They simply lack the dexterity (or sanitation) for operating a triple heart bypass or an impacted molar. Svalbard society is often dominated by pseudo-Victorian fashion sensibilities and a man's worth is based off of the size of his mustache and magnificence of his hat, which are imported since bears can't grow facial hair. The woman favour massive dresses when they aren't working, which are often so long that they tend to present tripping hazards for anyone in the immediate vicinity, and poorly applied make-up that nobody is rude enough to tell them looks like somebody simply slapped them in the face with a jar of powder and called it a day. They suffer for the sake of fashion. Name: Innuk Gender: Gentleman Race: Svalbard (sentient bears with opposable thumbs who think they are people. Adorable and terrifying!) Alignment: Good, he is a proper gentleman, after all. Rapscallions need to be taught a lesson. Motivation: Innuk strives to be a renown adventurer and to write a cook book based on the (numerous) creatures he intends to eat along his journey. Role/Class: Tank/ Warrior Appearance: A polar bear with a top hat and a fake mustache. He will one day find himself a suit of armour that fits and be rather dashing, wouldn't you say? Bio: Innuk is a bear who has always had a curious itch to find out where that mysterious wood substance came from, and to understand where people come from that they could possibly find the tundra cold. Always a collector of maps and trinkets from the few travelers his city had, Innuk decided from a young age he was going to explore the lands of the South. After sampling some of the food that was brought up from those distant, strange lands, he decided that it was well worth looking into. After all, seal, whale, and fish can only take you so far when there's things like crocodiles, mammoths, and chicken out there. After saving up for a particularly dashing hat and grooming his best mustache, Innuk set South with aspirations of sampling everything those lands had to offer. Having been South for a couple years now, the joy of seeing new things has yet to wear off, and he's been eating better than ever. Recently, he's had the idea of going on a grand adventure and writing about it, along with completing a cookbook based on all the things he's eaten, be they human bandits who clearly aren't clear about the concept of dichotomy when confronting a massive bear, goblins who were too stupid to know better, berry bushes that bear fruit the size of a Svalbard's head, or a giant snail, Innuk is determined to eat them all and find the world's greatest recipes through trial and error. After all, one cannot become a famous adventurer, author, and chef without an iron stomach, and evolution has certainly provided Innuk with that. My Wish: A variety of encounters, be they hostile mobs or NPCs, and an imaginative environment to explore. Plenty of humour!