[quote=kingkonrad] it doesn't portray the real grit of the infantryman, rather that or generals. [/quote] Have you cracked it open and looked at such story arcs as my own for the adventures of Li Tsung? I think you're pretty over generalizing the RP's components based on its genre-placement. True it's a nation RP but where others might go on a grander level of broad depiction of politics more often than not we take a interest in the individual characters within the story to carry the politics and not only say there's a war and for an excuse to talk about inane troop movements, but to also look at the condition. In my own particular [mis]adventures I'm exploring my own - China's - conflicts through the eyes of two men on the ground. I may invoke one of my generals, but that's to simply give a broader narration on what's going on, since a lonely tank driver or sergeant in the field isn't going to have a worldly scope on what the strategy is and where what unit is going, unless it pertains directly to them and they're informed for tactical reasons. And with the long-awaited Second Great War basically kicking up there's a wider chance of exploration. It's currently small because it's at best concentrated on a single spot but is due to flare up beyond that. This current battlefield already being explored by the individuals of that state's player, a few of which have had their own stories and adventures of their own and are on the return. Soon I'll be making the return of my own individuals to explore the other fronts from the ground as we all do. PoW isn't much an emphasis on politics on the broad scale as is the case of World in Revolution or other NRPs. It's a person taking up an individual character - or a population - to tell their stories. We may have started off being a generic NRP back in the old days of its first forum. But we've evolved and defined our craft and attitude of the RP to be more of a literary adventure than calling out stats and numbers against someone else. Compared to the past as well the situation in this coming future will be on a broader and longer scope than it has in the past. We had too bad a habit of being rather limited, whether out of energy to keep up or cowardice on the part of the people who operated the story like a RTS experience than something like Game of Thrones. And we've had ran by our Ethiopia player - VilageidiotX - a revolution in the Congo explored from the bottom up by a pair of captured journalists, basically forced to witness and document the adventures of the anarchistic, cross-dressing Congolese rebel general as he tried to dismantle the Pan-African empire, and the emotional choices of his Ethiopian rival as he picked his moves and came to the conclusion lobbing off the arms of a village worth of young children would be enough to draw him out, and through that the personal conflict that rose between him and the Emperor's sister. Not to mention lobotomies, LSD, and a patrol of stranded or deserter (I can't remember which) Ethiopian men trying to get home from the Congolese jungles, ultimately having their leader incapacitated in a fight with a guerrilla and malaria.