Acele listen intently to everyone's stories, these people would be fighting with her, this she knew, but almost all of them had military, or freelance backgrounds all of them already had a jump on her as they had all fought people, [i]"Well i guess i will just have to be a perfect healer then."[/i] She thought, as she was thinking Hunter reminded everybody what they were probably thinking that they are now a unit and they are now counting on each others strengths, with that said they got up and walked out of the tavern back into the streets. The group navigated their way back to the docks, and stopped at a relatively clean and undamaged ship, it looked like it was going to be a smooth ride with the exception of what was being loaded on the ship. Acele might of never been in battle but she knew what explosives looked like, and they were loading a ton of them onto The Raggaton, but after a talk with whoever was in charge, it was decided that they would fight with another squad for the right not to ride on The Raggaton, the only rule was no weapons, so by the time she set her bow and quiver down the fighting had already started Cynric had let loose a bolt of electricity, and was fighting hand to hand with another one, Merek was fighting another, and Iver was stumbling back towards the group. The healer in Acele took charge and she rushed to Iver's side, and used the abilities of her warren to heal the marine,hoping that would cover it she settled for walking Iver back, but didn't make it back all the way before a heavy pushed his way in between the two and delivered a uppercut to the stomach of the tiny healer, it felt like she had been hit with a cannonball, all of the air went out of her in a heartbeat all she could get out was a tiny gasp of pain before crumpling to the ground holding her stomach.