From worry to relief, Eurwen sighed and leaned back in her seat as her friends reassured her. “[b]Nothing particular happened. Just on a whim, and cause my mom wanted me to check out how my older sister was doing. And hey, despite how unique most of the students are here, it’ll be a nice cultural experience.[/b]” Snorting lightly, she smirked at the chimp faunus as she watched him stand, "[b]I think that's the most sarcastic thing I've ever heard you say.[/b]" Their lives were far different from hers, responsibilities, and expectations far greater then her own were thrusted upon them, so she had to assume that they went through tough times. “[b]The culture clash is real, though.[/b]” Agreeing with Fir, the rabbit briskly nodded as she followed her gaze to the destroyed bar. Watching Ashart and Fir head towards the exit, a soft smile crept along her features. She had to remind herself just how strong these two were every now and then. They weren't kids anymore, and since meeting them in Firelight and now on the airship to Beacon, they looked just as strong and confident, if not more so. So Eurwen knew there was no need to worry. “[b]Guess we should be heading out now. Maybe they have an illegal gin-and-tonic bootlegger in one of Beacon’s alleyways?[/b]” Wide eyed with excitement, the rabbit hurried from her seat and bounded over to her friends, “[b]Hey, if they don’t have any, I’m sure it’s not beyond us to make our own.[/b]” "[b]You really think so!? If they don't have any, we could try to make moonshine, again! Remember how good it was last time?[/b]" Meeting up with her friends as they headed out of the airship, she made a place between the two and grabbed their hands. Giving a light squeeze, she eyed the ground bashfully, "[b]To be honest, I'm really glad both of you are here.~[/b]" Tanned cheeks burned red as she continued, "[b]Today started off so bad, but now that we're all here, it's already starting to feel like old times![/b]" Skipping happily and pulling them along, Eurwen continued with a bright grin, and a confident look in her eye now, "[b]Who knows! Maybe we'll even end up on a team![/b]"