Suki smiled and took his offered hand, rising. she matched her pace to his, and glanced about them as they walked. She hadn't yet put much training into her detection skill, so she did not want to be taken unawares if a monster were to sneak up on them. She was never quite sure how to train detection. The sprint skill was easy-You jut had to run. As Suki typically ran every morning, doing so here in the game wasn't much of a change then in real life. Expect she tended to stay in safe zone, rather then risk running straight into a monster. She looked over when he asked about the farm, and smiled slightly. "Well. we have some animals, some cows, chickens, and pigs. We have a couple of horses too. We mostly grow vegetables, but we do have an apple tree or two. It's a good sized place, and we do well. There' a sort of freedom living on a farm. I got to grow up doing virtually everythng wth my brothers, and running around on a farm? I don't think there's anything quite like it" She smiled "its fun watching my nieces try and catch the piglets. They don't care about getting muddy or dirty, just like I didn't. You know, if it wasn't for my brothers, I wouldn't be here. They got me the game, and the nerve gear, because they knew I really wanted to play it. They probably wish they had never gotten it for me there's a sense of freedom. For the firt time, I can do stuff without them looking over my houlder, wondering if its too dangerous. I love them to bits, but sometimes, they can be too protective" She shrugged. As they found the baker, Suki Studied him. She very nearly laughed, but managed to be polite, and said when Umichi commented on the baker, "Tabu? Perhaps they meed up in his programming, or perhaps he's meant to be that way. Either was kind of strange" She agreed ----- Paka noddded, opening his Guide book, "As far as rumors go, the Escort Mission is in Okinaba, it's a town a few hours away with windmills. You just go to an inn, and eat there. that's all the guide book ay" He shrugegd, looking to Angelo