[quote=Jakeozzy]Reaver watched with a mixture of genuine interest and disappointment as the Bind Snake spell began to burn off. "Ah, so you can burn magic itself. Impressive - but I'm still going to kill you," the young man said as he twirled the scythe, charging at Igneel to turn this into a melee fight again. Before he made a swipe for his opponent's head, he would throw an orb of darkness magic at his feet. There wasn't really a use for it - he just hoped Iggy's curiosity would get the better of him, to take his attention away from that fatal strike coming his way. [/quote] [center][youtube]Bi_mjJywmE0[/youtube][/center] Iggy smirked as the snake burned away. And now Reaver was attacking again. Of course, for a moment it looked as though he was still off guard. "Open! Gate of the Ram! Aries!" He said quickly as he pulled out one of the golden keys. It only took a matter of seconds for Aries to appear. "WOOL WALL!" Just a quickly a defense wall of pink wool appeared in front of Iggy and his spirit to block both of the dark mage's attacks. "Oh yeah... Did I forget to mention? I never fight alone." Iggy smirked as he leaped over the wall in a literal blaze of glory hoping to have caught Reaver off guard. "That's all Aries!" He called out to his spirit while in mid-air. "Ah! Right... Sorry..." Aries spoke quickly in her usual timid tone of voice before disappearing. Iggy meanwhile had landed on the ceiling preparing to kick off for an extra boost. But before that. "Open! Gate of the Goat! Capricorn!" He called out as he summoned yet another zodiac spirit. "Attack!" He called out as Capricorn took form. The spirit simply nodded and charged at Reaver sending a flurry of kicks and punches. The plan was for Capricorn to drive the man into position, or at least keep him busy.. "Fire Dragon's!" Iggy began as he kicked off the ceiling aiming for where he hoped Reaver would be. "Sword Horn!" He was completely engulfed in flames. Still he had another plan in case this one failed. But he didn't know how much longer he could keep this up. Was Reaver even breaking a sweat? There was no time to think about it. He had to win!