Keisuke's player icon had finally turned green again, it was an odd feeling walking down the street and only have some of the people give him dirty looks. He'd earned a bit of a reputation in some part of the town of the beginnings but he didn't care, these people were nothing to him, just like the people in the real world. He quickly wiped all thoughts of that hellish world from his thoughts, he was in SAO now and he was damned happy to be here. Keisuke equipped his claw skill as he exited the town, he decided he'd try and focus more on exploring today rather than fighting and see if he could get even further than he;d been before. After a short amount of time walking his listening skill kicked in and he heard quite a ruckus. As he turned to the direction he saw in the distance what looked like a couple of people fighting a hoard of plants, one of them did not look to be very old at all. For reasons unknown to him at the time he bolted in the direction of the horde of nepents and activated his <> skill as he approached leaping and slamming into an already wounded little nepent smashing it into crystalline fragments. He then got up and readied himself as the other monsters began to react to his presence, he held his claw up and it glowed orange for a few seconds before his <> skill activated slashing it across the body leaving 3 red wound marks on the beast. He then drew back into a proper combat stance ready to follow up with another attack