[b]Sol[/b] "I promise you Fergus, that a single human more shall not die today. Our forces shall proceede forward with non-lethal weapons, although we cannot guarantee harm will not become of them." spoke Emily, regaining her composure as she took the Captain's seat once more. Another Iscandarian came onto the bridge. Unlike the others he wore long silky blue robes, and while a title seemed to be enscribed on them, it was in a script that Fergus couldn't recognize. He seemed to carry a air more authority then even Emily. "Fergus, I am Basil, and I have some things I would like to explain to you. You will be on-board this ship for the duration of the conflict, but I hope you are fine with it. The thing I would like to explain to you will also help us when we finally do get into a diplomatic meeting with your United Federation. If you would follow me..." spoke Basil, beckoning for Fergus to following him off the bridge. [b]Earth, Surface[/b] The small fleet had broken through the defenses, as drop-pods rained from the sky. Through the doors of those drop-pods came out the sentinels, there angelic wings in full view, even know they were armoured, as they proceeded with large taser-like weapons.