"Bugs you say?" Caelyn visibly shuddered she always hated bugs. Disgusting things with so many legs that it was almost useless. Caelyn could tell that the healing effects from the stone were wearing off. She didn't want to ask for more treatment though, because she didn't know if Armond could be trusted with that information. So, to hide the pain and pass the time she decided to make conversation with him. "Lord Armond, ye have my thanks for watchin' over me. Ye did no' hof to do that you no'" Caelyn blushed at her accent she knew it must sound very uneducated around a noble. It was another reason she didn't like them. They brought out her insecurities and made her feel inferior. To his credit, she knew it was not Armond's doing. It was her own. "Might I be givin' you some advice? Do no' be afraid of what you don' know." Caelyn had a sneaking suspicion that he was not as bad as he put off towards Mara. He was probably just unsure what to think about Merfolk, and a bit ignorant to their ways. She was too, but the more she got to know Mara, she realized how amazing they truly were. To confirm what point she was trying to make she glanced upwards at Mara. Seeing how much she cared and protected her made Caelyn curse a bit. She should be helping, not just laying around. "Anythin' I can be doin' to help Mara?" As soon as she finished the question, a BOOM erupted. She knew what was coming. "Armond, sir might ye be helpin' me get some firewood. I'm thinkin' we might be tied down fo' a bit. Cos, I do no' see this bein' a light shower." She grinned and nudged toward the door to get him to follow.