Pixie was sent flying into a wall. After impacting her body seemed to short circuit, spazing for a second then ragdolling. The metal insect however, had two curled up claws that came out, became charged, and sliced at Jason's armor. It then darted around Jason, taking what openings it could find to attack. After some time, the insect started going between Jason and Shroedinger, slicing at both of them, and darting fast enough to dodge attacks. Pixie however, didn't short circuit. It was merely a ruse to get everyone to focus on the insect. Once she was up, she seized her chance. She picked up her Scythe and ran up to Shroedinger and slashed at her, Shroedinger saw this, but couldn't fully escape the reach of the scythe. It cut deep enough into her leg to where she couldn't stand. Pixie then turned her attention to Jason, slashing the Scythe towards him.