An explosion on an airship is a jarring situation to find yourself facing, and when your entire personality revolves about interjecting yourself into whatever's happening at the cost of other people's approval it's fairly good odds you'd wind up investigating it if you just so happened to be on said airship when the explosion happened. Truth be told he wanted to... He felt the urge to leave the young woman there and cross the ship to seek out an explanation, the thought buzzed through his mind like a cadre of angry hornets, stinging at his synapses to try and propel him into movement. Truth be told Vask didn't know why he stayed with her, but he did... As the ship went into mild uproar, and then belabored calm following the sudden shaking Vask stayed there with his hand on the faunus' shoulder. Reassurance wasn't exactly his forte, an as such he didn't bother with words. His presence, he decided, was what little he had to offer, and he would do so. It was a long and tedius few minutes in which he rethought his decision several times over. His mind wandered; one moment he envisioned bursting into the bar just as a second explosive went off, the next he daydreamed that he managed to get in in time and everyone turned to him to defuse the bomb, so an and so forth ad infinitum his drifting thoughts went. Eventually the p.a. system blared a droning landing message and he loosed a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, kneeling down besides his panicky charge. "There." He said simply, his smile wide. "Crisis averted, ship landing; all is well." He paused, mulling over what he'd been saying. "Well, for us at least someone could have been mangled in the initial explosion I guess, but generally I'd think there would be more screaming if that was the case... unless of course shrapnel knocked the surrounding individuals unonscious or severed their vocal cords so that they couldn't make a sound" He frowned lightly and shook his head them. "Pretty sure it would be unlikely for that to happen to as many people as I've seen go in there since I boarded, though." Gently he squeezed her shoulder then, an action he hoped came across as reassuring. With that he finally rose and walked away, back towards his seat. As they set down he wobbled a bit with the landing but otherwise managed to grab his belongings with little to no issue. An over the shoulder travel bag and a large metal case were grasped tightly in the fingers of his left hand, and with his right he gestured to the salamander girl; "Come on then, some solid ground ought to do you some good." He said it simply, sincerely, and in doing so wandered towards the exit without sparing a glance back.