"Oh cheese Louise, you'd think someone with superspeed and flying capabilities would have shown up by now, right?!" Casimir questioned jokingly as he nonchalantly spun around in the chair he was in. The current League members that were there said nothing, simply exchanging glances with each other before turning their attention back to Casimir, who quite honestly didn't even seem to care that he was about to get questioned by the League's big boss. Because he didn't. This was what, the second time this month he'd gotten onto him about something? This whole ordeal was just trivial now, a mere formality that he was sure the other Leaguesters thought of a waste of time because Casimir (or Abaddon, whatever) never actually did anything that was against Zenith's policies.... that they knew of anyway. Casimir sighed, and then smirked as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. He wasn't going to get anything out of this group right now, so he might as well pass the rest of the time watching the screens. On them were video feeds of what was going on around the Hall, and Casimir paid particular attention to the prisoners being escorted to the holding cells. Disgusting. He recognized a few them too, the ones which he had had a great part in stuffing into the prison in the first place. Others could probably tell this too, as these prisoners bore a multitude of wounds and scars that would never go away. Some were even missing an arm or leg! *tsssszzzzz* "Hey! I was watching that!" Casimir remarked as a Leaguester shut off the screens. [i]We know,[/i] she said simply. "Huh.... so... anyone got board games? I can completely own at Monopoly!" [i]For God's sake, SHUT UP!! Where the FUCK is Zenith?![/i] "Awww! Perfect timing there mah boy! He's right there!" Casimir chuckled as Zenith walked in wearily to take his place in the room. He stared at Abaddon, "I want to talk about what happened today. I saw you out there. A lot of people did. And I have to say your conduct in the field is not the kind of message we want to send to the public. We're here to help keep the peace not terrorize people. It's one thing to kill in combat but quite another to pursue it so sadistically. I want you to explain yourself." "What is there to explain that we haven't already covered before?" Casimir replied, an air of more maturity replacing the childish one he had moments before. "I was keeping the peace, or rather helping to restore the [i]delicate[/i] peace provided everytime you cram more of those criminals into that prison. That does nothing but hold back a tide, which, once it breaks through, causes one hell of a mess... like today. But that's not the point of this, right? You want to know about my obvious sadistic pursuit of the prey. I [i]intended[/i] for it to be as it was, because if I can't have them all, at the very least I planted fear deep into their being to dissuade the ones that got away from showing their faces, and to dissuade any others that would follow their ways."