Zhen and a couple of Fire Nation soldiers waited at the base of the ship as it docked onto shore with no trouble. The front then began to open much too slowly for his taste. Finally, after what seemed like ages, the door fell onto the snowy ground. Awaiting him and his group just a few feet outside were a collection of Northern Water Tribe citizens. Zhen observed each person of the small group closely. Most of the members were crotchety, angry old men but in the middle of that group was a young woman not that much older than he was. He raised an eyebrow, already intrigued at her appearance. From what he had heard about the Northern Water Tribe, they valued the separation of men and women to specific roles. To see a girl in their midst was surprising enough as it is. Those thoughts were blown away when the sheer coldness of the land finally hit Zhen full on. He was shivering all the way to his boots by the time he stepped onto the snow. He immediately tightened the scarf around his face as he neared them. "Welcome Diplomat Zhen." One of the men greeted with a wide grin brimming with fake happiness, "We are eager to have you and your convoy." "Not that glad to be here." Zhen immediately responded, mentally kicking himself a second later. He quickly coughed, ignoring the shocked looks on the old men's faces. "I-I mean... It's really cold. I'm not that used to it." "O-of course. Well, we hope to make your stay as bearable as possible. We hope to begin talks of peace relations between our tribes and the Fire Nation tomorrow but tonight, we will celebrate your arrival with a feast." "... Seriously?" "Of course! We are certainly honored to have you here. But you are obviously cold so let us lead you to your room. Here is your guide for the majority of your stay." The man turned around and gestured to someone behind him. Zhen followed his gaze to the girl he had been looking at before. A smile grew on his face in spite of himself. "Cool, hi there. I'm Zhen." He greeted casually.