Indigo watched as a small girl made her way towards the tree he was sitting near. At first, she didn't seem to take note of him instead she began complaining about the manners of a certain student and how people should be looking out for people of her stature. Before she finished up her complaint, she seemed to have finally noticed him. [b]"I think head-blood is the most important blood." [/b] "Well, you're not wrong...I think" Indigo thought to himself. His imagination began to run wild, does blood throughout the body have higher importance than other sections of blood throughout the body? He began to think about it, coming up with a scenario in his mind. If he was injured in the arm and leg, which would he prioritize first? He began brainstorming what limbs he would prioritize first if such situations would ever occur but soon a chill ran up his spine. This was troubling for him, all this thinking wouldn't provide much use to him, he did know how to dress wounds, but during battle when everything kind of gets out of hand. He didn't believe he would have time to choose or rather instinctively he would choose what wound he would take care of first. "Damn it, I began thinking about something stupid again." He thought to himself as he released a sigh of defeat. The girl began digging through one of her leather pouches and grabbed small grey rag from one of them and offered it. Then, she began going on about how getting a blood stain out of his white suit would be a pain and began sharing her dad's knowledge about how to get Grimm blood out of his suit but stopped towards the end. "Did she forget what to do?" He assumed she did, it would've been great if he had an idea of how to rid of blood stains on his white clothes. Coming from a background of hunting and capturing Grimm blood would also find itself on his clothes, and rather than removing the blood that would get on his suits, he usually would just wash it along with the blood, making a blood-stained outfit in which his parent's disproved of and would constantly replace his clothing with new ones. It would save him a lot of trouble if he knew a way to get the blood out, but then again donning a new outfit which wasn't so white would probably be the best idea. Anyways, he determined that some information was just troubling to know and some weren't and instead makes life easier, this information she offered was the latter in his opinion. After unnaturally stopping her little ramble about removing the blood, she apologized at the offered rag of smelling like grease. He eyed it for a while and became a bit suspicious, "It smells..?" He began imagining if this girl had the capability of kidnapping him. If she did, it would cause a lot of trouble for him. In fact, it might be the end of his life at Beacon and maybe he would begin working at some shady factory somewhere. But he ultimately scratched that idea off of his mind. He determined the nosebleed now is much more troubling than the grand illusion that he would be kidnapped. He reached out for it with one hand and with the other placed the mark of his semblance on the trunk of the tree for insurance, as it faintly glowed a color of indigo. "Uh, well if you don't mind?" He said as he reached for it, but then realized that for the moment he reached for the rag and placing his semblance on the trunk,nothing was blocking the holes of his nose and a small trickle of blood flowed out and onto his suit, he quickly snatched the rag and placed it against his nose pinching it with a firm grip. Looking at the speck of blood on his uniform, "Trouble." Instantaneously flowed through his mind. He looked back up to the girl. "That recipe would work with human blood too, right?" He asked her in a nasally voice which was comically contrasting with his usual relaxed and calm voice, noticing the troublemaker who caused the explosion back at the bar. "Or would you know anything?" He asked the troublemaker who was looking at them from a distance.