[quote=Hakara]2 this is in the offtopic as in doesn't have to be roleplay related.[/quote] There's a difference though between being OT and money asking spam. [quote=Brovo]Why not move this to Member's Lounge? It's a place where people go to congregate about personal life stuff anyway. If it becomes a problem of people spamming up Member's Lounge with "pls give money" threads, just make a new rule about it, but for the interim, no harm no foul, right?[/quote] I'm good with this. [quote=Lillian Thorne]Well we can't move threads as of yet. However I'm letting it stay for now and simply getting a mod consensus on the matter so we have an official, consistent policy.[/quote] I'm good with this true, I'm glad you guys are making an effort to be consistent. A lot of admins/mods I've seen on other sites don't tend to bother with that stuff usually.